Animal Clairvoyant

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Ep. 94 Unlock Your Pet’s Secrets with Animal Clairvoyant Jessica Lindsey

In this episode of the LaidOPEN Podcast, I’m joined by Jessica Lindsey, a trauma-informed energy healer, animal communicator, and clairvoyant. Jessica shares her journey of discovering her ability to communicate with animals and plants and offers tools to attune to these beings. As an animal clairvoyant, Jessica explains her journey of discovering her power of communicating with animals and ways for you to develop this skill too.

Additionally, we explore topics including different species’ forms of communication, end-of-life support for animals, and the nuances of intuitive abilities. The conversation also touches on respecting the intelligence and interconnectedness of all living beings and a meditative practice for tuning into animal and plant communication. 

Jessica emphasizes the power within everyone to connect deeply with the natural world and urges us all to start refining this relationship today. If you’ve ever loved a pet and wished to be able to communicate with them clearly, this episode is for you.

Show Notes: Animal Clairvoyant Jessica Lindsey

00:00 Introduction to Animal Clairvoyant Jessica Lindsey

00:25 Meet Jessica Lindsey: Trauma-Informed Healer

02:14 Discovering the Gift of Telepathy

06:56 Understanding the Different Clairs

12:04 The Intelligence of Animals and Birds

16:23 Communicating with Insects

21:49 Gardening and Animal Communication

28:56 Adopting and Understanding Rescue Animals

33:50 Understanding Animal Behavior and Coping Mechanisms

36:30 Supporting Animals Through Grief and Loss

39:13 Clearing Energies After a Loved One Passes

43:59 Animal Reincarnation and Soul Journeys

48:15 Guided Meditation for Connecting with Animals and Plants

01:04:02 Sharing Personal Experiences and Reflections

01:06:08 How to Connect with Jessica Lindsey

01:09:46 Course Information and Closing Remarks

Show Notes Jessica Lindsey Intervivew [00:00:00] Charna Cassell: Who doesn't want to know what their pets are thinking? Not only does my guest today communicate with animals, she even communicates with plants. We get into the different ways different species communicate, how she came to discover she had this skill, and get into deeper topics such as how to support our animal friends during their end of life and loss. [00:00:21] Charna Cassell: Whether it's their human or another animal companion. Today's guest is Jessica Lindsey. She's a trauma informed energy healer and animal communicator and clairvoyant. Welcome, Jessica. [00:00:33] Learn how to live embodied If it's about to unwind Uncover new tools and start healing Leave trauma and tension behind Isn't it great laid open Let all your desires come true How can you live laid open Imagine yourself brand new. Imagine yourself brand new. [00:01:20] Jessica Lindsey: Thank you so much for having me. I'm happy to be here with you and your audience today. [00:01:25] Charna Cassell: We met at, a workshop of a friend of Tara and, I lost your contact information and it took a while for Tara to get it to me, but I'm so thrilled that we're getting to have this conversation. [00:01:38] Charna Cassell: And, I know a lot of my friends and clients are excited to listen because you have a lot to offer. [00:01:45] Jessica Lindsey: Yes. Yeah, I think that, you know, animal communication in particular is a topic that everyone is very, very interested in because there's just so much that we often, want to know about. [00:01:57] Jessica Lindsey: our animals and, the unseen world and animals that have passed there's so much information, to be shared in that regard. So I'm excited to share that with you and to share that with everyone today. [00:02:10] [00:02:10] Charna Cassell: that's definitely a topic that I want to dive into. [00:02:14] Charna Cassell: I'm thinking it would be great to start with, getting a sense of when did you discover that you had the ability To communicate with animals and plants as well, right? [00:02:24] Jessica Lindsey: Yeah, yeah. I can communicate with everything. Yeah. Yeah. Well, I'll give, I'll give a little background in that I did grow up, with stories from my father And that when he was a child, he used to try to practice. [00:02:41] Jessica Lindsey: being telepathic with his brother. they would go in opposite sides of the room. And like, I remember him saying something about, you know, like they, one would think of a word And see if the other person could get it. as a child, I didn't ever think that I could communicate with animals. [00:02:58] Jessica Lindsey: that wasn't really on my radar, but I certainly, I, I certainly wished that I could and dreamt that I could, you know, like the little girl that's like, I want to be able to talk to the horses, or talk to my cat or talk to my, my dog. and I also grew up with a mother that was very energetically sensitive. [00:03:19] Jessica Lindsey: and so. Like, I kind of had, like, a sense of that, but I honestly, at the time, as a child, thought that maybe those things had skipped me, like, I didn't, I didn't, I, I didn't really have an awareness, because there just wasn't a language, you know, in my household, or kind of, like, just back, back then, during that time frame, there wasn't really a whole lot of language of how to communicate about intuitive abilities. [00:03:46] Jessica Lindsey: It was all very hush, hush, because, there was just so much still persecution energy that just kind of existed like in the collective of everybody. And so, it wasn't until I sort of had like a body health crisis where I had gone to a lot of, different medical professionals. [00:04:07] Jessica Lindsey: And I was just like, like, I am still not. Getting to the bottom of these things, and I don't know why they're happening, and I don't know why no one can tell me, something that's actually gonna make it better, and then I ended up, literally just kind of pleading with the universe, like, I think I need, like, an energy healer, or somebody like that, and I had never, worked with anybody like that before, I mean, I was doing yoga, so it's not like I wasn't aware of, like, energy and stuff like that, but I didn't know about it related to my own being, and when I started going into that, and that kind of manifested for me, and I manifested, you know, my, my first, intuitive development teacher, I realized that I was incredibly, empathic and that some of the reasons I was having the issues I was having was because I was picking up on other people's energy and I never knew how to manage that. [00:05:06] Jessica Lindsey: and because my, in my ancestral lineage is a lot of, trauma, that sort of. Like, it sort of gave me a body, an energy body structure that was just very open to everything without realizing that that's what was happening. So I was kind of like having experiences, but didn't have words for them, didn't have names for them, didn't know what was going on. [00:05:31] Jessica Lindsey: And so that, that's kind of like the start of that journey. then once I trained a lot in clairvoyance and energy healing, then, as kind of a gift to myself, I was like, I'm going to see if I can communicate with animals. And so I was sitting in one of those, like, saunas where just your head's sticking out, like those infrared saunas, and I decided I was going to connect with my rabbit Felorian, who is here somewhere in the room with me. [00:06:10] Jessica Lindsey: and I was able to. just from the intention of wanting to do so. And so that kind of started that path for me, recognizing that this was something that, I knew how to do. And so I pursued, training with people to kind of learn more about it. And I already had the background of like a decade of training in clairvoyance and energy healing. [00:06:33] Jessica Lindsey: And so it was just kind of like a natural. progression for me to be able to, add that additional skill set onto it. and then also to recognize that it is a different skill set. It's a different skill set than being a psychic or an energy healer. yeah, telepathy is a very different thing, but uses the same tools. [00:06:53] Jessica Lindsey: So it's, it's been a, a fascinating journey for me. [00:06:56] Charna Cassell: And just also to get even more granular, if you can explain a little bit about the different clairs, right? Clairsentience, clairvoyance, and just making those distinctions that you're starting to touch into regarding telepathy being its own thing. [00:07:11] Jessica Lindsey: Yeah, yeah. So, so I think that when people start to dive into wanting to learn about their own intuition and how to tap into their intuitive abilities, they will find that there's a particular, clear, ability, or you could just say simply like an extended sense that they are very good at using or is more kind of clear and open to them some people talk about this in terms of like each of the chakras having a particular Like extrasensory ability and some people's have have like a very strong third eye extrasensory ability or some people have more of an auditory hearing of an extra extrasensory Something, some people have it more as a feeling like they get specific feelings in their body or shivers or, like a warm fuzzy feeling to get information. [00:08:11] Jessica Lindsey: You can pretty much think of it like what all the senses that you have that are your, your normal eyes of seeing and hearing and smelling, and touch and taste, that all of those senses are also controlled. Intuitive senses that you can get that same information without the physical stimuli of seeing the thing in front of you or hearing the person talk in front of you or feeling the specific emotion or whatever it is. [00:08:41] Jessica Lindsey: So when you dive into learning these different, skill sets or opening these different intuitive abilities, eventually you can get to the point where you can get all of them online and all of them active. And once all of them are online and all of them are active, then you have a really great skill set to be able to communicate fully with other beings. [00:09:09] Jessica Lindsey: Because other beings experience their life in sometimes very different ways than humans do. And so a particular animal may be sharing their experience through, smell or through taste or through, um, you know, some sort of physical sensation. And so that's kind of where, like, you can be like a psychic by just being a very, very strong in one of these skill sets. [00:09:40] Jessica Lindsey: Like you can have a deep sense of knowing that just comes to you and you know the information and you can give that out to another person. But when you're working with animals, it's like you kind of have to have everything on board and aligned. And often when people think that they can't connect with, uh, with their animals or with their favorite tree or their favorite plant or whatever that might be, it's just simply because one of those energy centers hasn't been developed yet. [00:10:10] Jessica Lindsey: So you can just sort of think like, I've just taken the time to develop all the energy centers and have them, more open and available to me. And that's kind of a little bit different than when I was. just working as a clairvoyant and an energy healer. I didn't have all of those centers open. [00:10:29] Jessica Lindsey: I didn't need to, but when I started to work with animals, then it became very, very clear when I was not receiving information, through the way that they were trying to share that information. So, yeah. So, yeah. [00:10:46] Charna Cassell: There's so much and so many different directions we could go in. I love it. yeah. So, you know, just to, to also relate it back to working with humans as well. [00:10:54] Charna Cassell: I have clients, for instance, you know, like I actually have all of those online. And so I, you can take for granted and assume if you have the ability to see things very visually that other people do, and just kind of keeping in mind, guided meditation is not everybody's. bag, or I've had clients where I'm doing body work with them and, a song keeps playing in their mind, right? [00:11:17] Charna Cassell: And it's like, what's the, what are the, the, what's the phrase that you're hearing? And that's information that's coming to you. And so much of it feels like, um, people trusting the information they're receiving, that we're all receiving information all the time, and then just being able to have enough training or practice or self trust, right, like developing that self trust to not deny or dismiss the information that you're getting. [00:11:42] Jessica Lindsey: Yeah, I think what's, tricky with the cultural ideas that we have, at least in North America. not everybody has these, but there's, this idea that being intuitive is something extra magical, extra special, extra ordinary. [00:12:04] Jessica Lindsey: and I just, I just want to make it really clear that all, all animals, including humans in the category of animals, all have the ability to be telepathic. And so it's not. It's not something, as much as it's fun to be like, oh I feel magical and special about this, that I, that I have this skill set, that it really is something that everybody can do. [00:12:30] Jessica Lindsey: Everybody can do. [00:12:32] Jessica Lindsey: Like there's not, go ahead. Can I pause [00:12:33] Charna Cassell: you? [00:12:34] Jessica Lindsey: Yeah. [00:12:35] Charna Cassell: I'm hearing, initially I thought it was like a bird, but for this last section when you've been speaking, there was a lot of noise, and I don't know. [00:12:47] Jessica Lindsey: Okay, I think it might be my birds. [00:12:50] Charna Cassell: It is, you do have birds. [00:12:52] Jessica Lindsey: Yeah, it is birds. [00:12:53] Charna Cassell: Okay, they're speaking. They're speaking, but they stopped right when you stopped talking. [00:12:58] Jessica Lindsey: I know they get excited. They get excited when we're talking. [00:13:02] Charna Cassell: Okay, yeah, [00:13:03] Charna Cassell: they're totally that's what I was hearing birds. Are there birds? [00:13:07] Jessica Lindsey: Yeah, yes, there's definitely, there's definitely birds. [00:13:11] Charna Cassell: So years ago I was in Hawaii, and I had this experience of laying. On a towel out in the yard and I could hear I could hear this like this high pitched chatter and I was like looking around. What is that? [00:13:30] Charna Cassell: And I, you know, I didn't I put my head down again and and I it started again. And then I like lifted the towel back and there were all these ants. I was like, am I hearing the ants? What's happening? And that was like, just now I was like, what is going on? I can hear something. So I'm glad we, we cleared that up. [00:13:49] Jessica Lindsey: Yeah. Well, we'll see how we'll see how they do. They do get, they do get rather excited when I talk about animal communication. So they kind of want to join in to help [00:13:59] Charna Cassell: I can still hear them. They're like, we are on board. [00:14:02] Jessica Lindsey: Yeah, they're on board. Yeah. They like to, they like to get, get excited about it. [00:14:07] Jessica Lindsey: Let me just, connect with them momentarily and see if there's anything that they feel they need to share as to why they are making so much [00:14:16] Jessica Lindsey: noise. [00:14:17] Jessica Lindsey: So can we just, that's cool. Yeah, let's just be with it. Okay, so they're sharing. This is a very important topic. [00:14:33] Jessica Lindsey: Um, they, they, they want everyone to know that it's very important that I tell everyone how intelligent birds are, and if you can hear them now, it's because they're very much in agreement, with that. Do you want to come to me? Is there something else you want to share? It's so important that you need to interrupt. [00:15:02] Jessica Lindsey: Okay, so, so they, um, so my budgies, their names are, Ellie and Nala, and it's very important, they want everyone to know that Oftentimes we look, you're not helping when you interrupt [00:15:27] Jessica Lindsey: the camera. No. Okay. Okay. They just, they are wanting everyone to know that oftentimes, um, we look at animals, As not as intelligent as we are, and it's very important that they want us to understand that, that they are just as intelligent, that they have so much wisdom to share, and that their perspectives on life and living and life purpose is very valid. [00:16:02] Charna Cassell: I had a parakeet when I was five named Mickey and, I got this little bird one hat, like barely had any feathers and it would play cards with me. It was like, I loved that bird so I can just totally appreciate it. That was my little, that was my little companion at that age. [00:16:20] Jessica Lindsey: so wonderful. That's so wonderful. Oh, and you, mentioning, mentioning about, like, hearing the ants, you know, um, I have had some of the most interesting experience with ants, especially those, like, little, like, sugar ants that kind of tend to come into the house. I had been gone on vacation for like a week or so, and when I came back, they had created a little trail right across an area, where we were going to be walking through over and over and over again. [00:16:54] Jessica Lindsey: And so I sat down on the floor and I placed my hands on the floor and I told them, I said, you know, I don't mind sharing with you, but this particular path that you're on creating this little path through here, we're going to be walking through this over and over again. [00:17:13] Jessica Lindsey: And I'm really, really concerned that, Many of you might get injured or might die if you continue using this trail. Is there any way that you can use a trail that is underneath the floor or, you know, something else different so that you don't get injured? and then, I just got up and went about what I was doing and 20 minutes later, they had all gone away. [00:17:41] Jessica Lindsey: I had all gone away. And then, then when I went into my meditation, like later that day, the, the ants, like kind of the consciousness of the whole group of ants came to thank me. And when they came to thank me, they were so, they had so much gratitude because they are often poisoned. Right. And. [00:18:06] Jessica Lindsey: There's certain behaviors that we tend to do just because, you know, it's just kind of like the normal thing to do. It's like, oh, insects, if you don't want them in your home, set some ant trap or something like that. And so they had, This like enormous, level of gratitude that was overwhelming. [00:18:26] Jessica Lindsey: It brought me to tears how, how immense it was, their gratitude for me taking the time to ask them, and suggest something different and that they could, that they could. Make an adjustment instead of being killed. And so it was just like, it was such a profound, experience for me because I had never connected with, at that time, this was years ago, but I had never connected with insects. [00:18:59] Jessica Lindsey: in that way, and you know, the, all of the insects that I have connected with, since then, they just have, the most special kind of love to share. it really is magical. you know, and they're like, they are, they're such, they're such amazing teachers. [00:19:17] Jessica Lindsey: The insects, like I, I had this timeframe where I had to go out and I was taking care of, a neighbor's chickens To take care of the chickens, I had to go through this area that had a lot of plants, and I connected with the plants and asked permission to cut down some of the plants so I could more easily get to the chicken coop so that I could, take everybody in and out in the morning and in the evening, and, I didn't think about the insects when I was doing that. [00:19:47] Jessica Lindsey: I didn't think about the fact that This was their home and as I was, you know, chopping stuff down kind of haphazardly, you know, just because I had that permission to, to from the plants, I, I got a warning buzz from, from a bee, and then I got another warning buzz from a bee . And then I got another warning buzz from a bee to the point where I was like, oh, I gotta leave. [00:20:13] Jessica Lindsey: And then the next day I went back out there and I stood amongst all these wild plants and saw that during the day there was, it was just humming with all of these wild bees, so many wild bees. And I, I went to them and I was just like, I'm so sorry. I, you know, I didn't think of you and I would love to have a conversation with you about this because I do need to be able to get to the chicken safely and I do need to be able to clear a path. [00:20:46] Jessica Lindsey: And I had asked the plants for permission and in the most loving way, they made it very clear to me that by only asking the permission of the wild plants. I was only thinking of like half of the equation of what was going on in that wild environment. And that they, that those bees were the stewards of those flowers and those plants and that they actually, Could feel the plants and they knew when the plants were being cut down, even when they weren't necessarily, on those plants because they're kind of ground bees that nest, nest in the ground. [00:21:29] Jessica Lindsey: So it was, it was such, it was such a profound experience and a real kind of like learning for me of the recognition of like, Oh, I was, you know, I was just like gonna whack those. And I didn't think of them, you know, [00:21:49] Charna Cassell: it sounds like there are real teachers around, it are interconnection and that we are part of an ecosystem. [00:21:57] Charna Cassell: And because we are bigger, we make assumptions. It's like, what's funny is as women, we can talk about men and their sense of entitlement. And here's the reality is that humans have a sense of entitlement. [00:22:09] Jessica Lindsey: Yeah. [00:22:10] Charna Cassell: Yeah. [00:22:11] Jessica Lindsey: Absolutely. It's, such an interesting thing, the level of entitlement that we as humans kind of feel. [00:22:20] Jessica Lindsey: I'm always humbled by the plants and the animals and the insects and everything that that's, you know, flying and crawling and under the ground and, and everything, because it's like, it really does. It really does, any part of you that might have some ego about something, when you communicate with a plant or an animal, it's like, they're very clear to just like call you out on your, on your crap. [00:22:48] Charna Cassell: I have to ask because I thought you were going to go in this direction when you were talking about chickens, you know? I have a big garden and, you know, as many gardeners have a certain relationship to slugs and snails. And, and so, you know, I, I am feeling inspired to go and have a conversation with them. [00:23:12] Charna Cassell: Do you have a garden? how do slugs and snails communicate? Is it sending through images? Is it through like, what's the strategy there? [00:23:20] Jessica Lindsey: Yeah. So slugs and snails have a very interesting, sensory experience with the world. and I would say, you know, all, all beings have their own kind of like sensual nature and that expresses in, all different sorts of ways. [00:23:40] Jessica Lindsey: but I would say slugs and snails have some of the most intensely sensual experiences with everything that they are on because of their body styles. So because, because they are sliding on the ground on that, that mucus layer, it's like they are, like deeply in a love relationship with every single thing that they are on and every single thing that they touch. [00:24:10] Jessica Lindsey: and the first time that I communicated with, with a slug, actually, I was blown away. By the intensity of what they feel, just like being on a piece of wood, being on a log, being on a plant. It's like when you talk about, like, blissful, ecstatic sensuality, that is what slugs and snails experience at all moments of their life. [00:24:42] Charna Cassell: I'm just like picturing these slugs as the Tantra teachers of nature, you know, and that they're just like, they're like, and you know, I once, one day I was, I was collecting slugs out of my garden or snails in the morning and these snails, there was a snail on the top of a piece of jasmine. [00:25:00] Charna Cassell: And I didn't even know, I mean, normally I'm like looking down or I'm looking on a tree and it was like, it was. There were these snails at the very tippy top of, and then there were, it was like moving in this swaying way, like it was doing this dance or like, you know, Ode to the Sun. It was, it's really beautiful. [00:25:22] Charna Cassell: but I love that. I love that. Yeah, they're like completely they're like lubricated at all times. Yeah, [00:25:27] Jessica Lindsey: exactly. [00:25:28] Jessica Lindsey: Exactly. And they also like in terms of their own, reproductive mating, like they, they stay in a state of a state of state of, like, kind of sexual bliss with who they're mating with for an extended period of time. [00:25:46] Jessica Lindsey: So they, they really do have, have something to share with us about, like, fully being in the moment, fully being present with whatever it is that you are in contact with, whether that is, another, another snail, another human, whether it's just your feet on the ground, it's like, how into your sensual nature can you be? [00:26:10] Jessica Lindsey: And I don't even just mean like in, in more of like a sexual way, but just in like the full feeling of your being and your senses of, of touch and like, can you fully like experience the world in the moment? so they truly are teachers. but it is also valid to, to say that if, as you are a gardener and you're the steward of particular plants and the protector and the caregiver of particular plants, whether it's just for their beauty or for food or whatever, that there does sometimes have to be a conversation with some of these other organisms that want to partake in the abundance that you're creating in your garden. [00:26:55] Jessica Lindsey: And so that may mean needing to sit down with them and just say, Hey, you know, like I, I really love these plants and these flowers. And not that I'm not happy to share, but you can't eat all of them. Because this is something that's me cultivating my creativity and my creative expression, and I don't want that to be destroyed. [00:27:21] Jessica Lindsey: And it is perfectly okay, if for some reason, you know, sitting with them and kind of like a meditative state and getting to know them and having that conversation or, or maybe asking them, like, why are you eating these particular plants, you know, it's, it's always a good idea to, when you're sitting with an animal and especially, if they are doing something that is Not something that you feel is conducive to what you're trying to create in your life To to ask them why they are acting in the way that they're acting there might be a reason why there's a ton of them in a particular place. [00:28:01] Jessica Lindsey: You know, maybe they're trying, trying to help nurture the soil in some way because some there's something that's depleted. And so by them eating a particular kind of plant and their excrements being in that particular area, they're really just trying to, you know, help facilitate bringing balance back. [00:28:19] Jessica Lindsey: And once you know that, and you can assist in bringing that balance back, then they'll be like, Oh, well, we don't need to do, we don't need to work so hard to do that for you. And we can leave your plant alone. But it's also, it's also perfectly okay to say, Hey, I am the protector of these plants and they are under my stewardship. [00:28:40] Jessica Lindsey: And, you know, if we can't come to some kind of agreement here, then I might need to find you a new place to hang out. Like I might have to take you out to the forest somewhere. [00:28:51] Charna Cassell: Yeah. So [00:28:52] Jessica Lindsey: that's okay too. [00:28:54] Charna Cassell: I love that. For sure. There's also you know, it makes me think about I had, I've had a couple foster dogs this year and one of them was very least reactive and I, you know, so I was thinking a lot as, as I was. [00:29:09] Charna Cassell: I'm on a lot of rescue lists and, thinking about the people that adopt and foster and how they're, they're these, you know, beliefs about the 3 3 3 rule. Do you know what I'm talking about? In terms of how long it takes for an animal, supposedly, like you have to give it three days. You'll see a shift at three days, three weeks and three months. [00:29:27] Charna Cassell: Oh, okay. And it's a little too generic in my mind, right? Because. There is not one formula that's going to work for all beings. but coming back to this notion of There could be a message behind a destructive, a seemingly destructive or reactive behavior, and tuning into that and, you know, how we can help, you know, in particular, I'm thinking of dogs, how we can help them adjust, and then also how do we listen and be with that behavior. [00:30:02] Jessica Lindsey: Yeah, that's, that's a very good question. So this is, I think when it comes to adopting an animal that's, that's in a rescue situation, there's a couple of things we need to think about. First, if we're looking at this animal as its own being, its own soul with its own soul purpose, it may have more, control over the fact that it is in that shelter than you might think. [00:30:34] Jessica Lindsey: there's, there's the tendency for those of us who really, are just so in love with caring for others that we can sometimes see another being in a situation and sort of automatically put kind of that lens of like, I'm the savior and they're the victim of something. So if we can sort of dissolve that a little bit. [00:31:00] Jessica Lindsey: Then we are already giving that rescue animal the empowerment to be who they truly are as a being. So I find in, the consultations that I do with rescue animals that often they are very happy to kind of let go of whatever happened to them in the past. But they're humans sometimes. and the animals are a little bit stuck in the fact that they had experienced some sort of trauma, or they think that the animal has experienced some sort of trauma in the past, and so they're projecting that onto the animal, and animals are so open and sensitive to the emotions and feelings of humans and other beings that they can kind of, demonstrate that or continue to demonstrate that. [00:31:57] Jessica Lindsey: demonstrate that. So if we can just baseline, just sort of go with like, this, this being has a purpose. It has its own sole purpose. It may have decided to leave a situation because it was best for it to leave that situation because it has its own autonomy. Then, then already something has shifted, right? [00:32:23] Jessica Lindsey: Like, I'm sure that everyone can sort of feel that in their own beings, and those who will listen to this, it's like, when you can no longer see someone as a victim of something, but instead that they are this empowered being, then already stuff starts to dissolve away from them. Already, those, like, old trauma, trauma energy and stuff that might be stuck in their body starts to dissolve away from them. [00:32:52] Jessica Lindsey: But then there are times when the animal absolutely does need some sort of support or help because they have experienced something that was very hard on them psychologically, emotionally, or physically. From my perspective in working with, with energy, there's a couple of things that I see. I see that either there is actually stuck energy in that animal from something else or somewhere else that has lodged itself into the animal's body. [00:33:28] Jessica Lindsey: And they are very good at showing me where that is and what that is and I have had so many. So many animals who have specifically come to me in particular because of, my ability to clear kind of this interference energy, this foreign energy, from them. And so they will just be like, this is what I need. [00:33:50] Jessica Lindsey: Do it, Jessica. And so, and so I do. And then their humans, you know, their human companions are like, Oh, they're so much more happy now. and humans are the same way. Sometimes we get some kind of foreign stuff that just kind of gets stuck in our body. [00:34:07] Jessica Lindsey: That's not ours and it doesn't need to be there. And we just gotta, you know, tell it goodbye and send it, send it on its way. And then, and then there's like a whole opening and. And the person or the animal is able to, you know, express more of them some fully as, as who they are. then of course there's, there's other situations where maybe the, the animal has learned a particular, behavior. [00:34:33] Jessica Lindsey: or a particular reaction to a situation because they experienced something, in the past and they had to develop some kind of coping mechanism. so in those situations, again, the animals are pretty transparent about it. Like. You know, I was cowering in a basement and there was this scary man. And, you know, I, I didn't get fed a lot and, you know, this is why I developed kind of this anxiety pattern. [00:35:01] Jessica Lindsey: And then, you know, once, They tell me that and I'm able to relay that to their person, then their person is able to be like, Oh, well, great. Well, I'll let you know when I'm coming and going and, I can help you be more grounded. And then the animal shifts and they are much more relaxed and, much more calm. [00:35:20] Jessica Lindsey: and I'm trying to think if there's another situation other than those. So the other thing is that this is kind of comes back to how, intelligent, our animal companions are because sometimes they are exhibiting a behavior that we don't understand or don't appreciate, but it's because they're mirroring something that they're seeing in us. [00:35:46] Jessica Lindsey: to show it to us. So they may, for them, it may be their way of saying, like, I'm with this human to help this human overcome a particular thing. And so by me demonstrating a similar behavior, it causes the person to have to then do something about it, where then they seek help and support, and then everyone is healed from the experience. [00:36:14] Jessica Lindsey: So those, those are kind of the things that come to mind, right now, are like Kind of the things that I see most commonly with the rescue animals and, the different behaviors that they exhibit that we might not understand. [00:36:30] Charna Cassell: I'm thinking of, a friend's partner past and their dog is suffering from separation anxiety. [00:36:39] Charna Cassell: I'm thinking about how to not only help humans with their relationship to the beings that they're taking care of when they're about to transition, but also how to support animals when one of their caretakers has passed [00:36:58] Charna Cassell: and [00:36:58] Charna Cassell: how to ease that transition. [00:37:00] Jessica Lindsey: Yeah, well, it's a very individual to the animal and very individual to the person who has passed from their body. a couple of examples kind of come to mind. sometimes an animal will be exhibiting behaviors that we see. I think, seem like anxiety, but they are actually just the, the animal mirroring humans, that might be around, kind of grief process. [00:37:46] Charna Cassell: Yeah. [00:37:47] Jessica Lindsey: So that's, that's one thing that could be going on. I would say animals in general are very connected to the non physical world and so it's, they don't necessarily experience the same level of feeling of separation, when a I agree. When a loved one has passed on whether that's a human loved one or an animal loved one that has passed on, but that does not mean that they are not experiencing some level of sadness or grief or missing the Physical experience of being with their person, or if it's another animal, you know, like with their other animal companion. [00:38:35] Jessica Lindsey: So there is sometimes some counseling that does need to be done with an animal that is exhibiting, you know, More lethargy or anxiety or is not coping well with the change and what has occurred and that often just comes down to, letting the animal be able to express how it's feeling and to move through that process. [00:39:00] Jessica Lindsey: just the same way that, you know, that we will go to a therapist and say, you know, like I, I need help with processing my grief. Sometimes an animal also needs help processing their grief. Then the other thing, when humans in particular though, it can happen with animals as well, but when humans leave their bodies, there is sometimes some energies that are denser that have a harder time. [00:39:29] Jessica Lindsey: kind of dissipating from the environment after the person has passed from their body and those energies can stay in the home. they can stay attached to the animal and these kind of denser energies, can also create those feelings of intense grief or, intense sadness or intense rage or anger or whatever, whatever that is. [00:39:58] Jessica Lindsey: in that situation, then it's just, going to somebody who knows how to deal with those kinds of energies and help support the clearing process, of the animal or the people or the home or the property to kind of uplift that because, you know, humans are, we're kind of messy and we have such, we have such profound emotional experiences. [00:40:21] Jessica Lindsey: Experiences and not all of those emotional experiences do we get to fully resolve while we're alive. And some of that residue can kind of stick around. And so it just needs some, help to kind of, again, move itself on, on its way. And that, and that's also very beneficial for, the. [00:40:42] Jessica Lindsey: You know, the humans or animals that have passed because they, there might be something that, now that they are no longer in a body that they are, they have a new vantage point. They can kind of look at that, experience that they had while they were alive and can see it through a new lens. help them, with some of that unresolved kind of energy, and, kind of help them to have more, wholeness now that they, no longer have to have sort of the, the challenges that being, being human and in a body bring with it for sure. [00:41:20] Charna Cassell: so dogs, they can sense. And see being like their, their caretakers once they've left, they still have that connection [00:41:29] Jessica Lindsey: Yeah, absolutely. And so sometimes, sometimes you'll see an animal kind of looking, in a particular direction, and rest assured if they're looking in a particular direction and you're not seeing like any, Any, anything obvious that's like moving, they're looking at something that's non physical. [00:41:50] Jessica Lindsey: And so, especially if, if it was, you know, either an animal or a, human that has passed recently, they may absolutely be connecting with them. it's not uncommon for an animal, the more vocal animals, um, So like, you know, cats and dogs and, birds to also call out to their person or their animal companion who has passed to be like, Hey, Hey, I still want to talk with you and to actually bring them in. [00:42:22] Jessica Lindsey: because when. Once, once a being has, has left its body, it's very easy for it to, come to visit you. It's very, very easy for it to come to visit you. So for anyone who is, grieving the loss of a loved one, whether it's a human loved one or an animal loved one, and they're they're right there ready to be of support and to help you through your grief process and to help you through, you know, whatever it is that you're experiencing. [00:42:53] Jessica Lindsey: They're right there. So the animals will often, you know, make a vocalization or show a behavior to actually get the attention of, of the, the other person that might be in the home to say, look, they're here, they're here, they're here. And so we might think of that like, oh my gosh, they're so anxious, but really they're saying like, look, he's right there. [00:43:15] Jessica Lindsey: He's right there. There he is right there with you. He's still there. He's still sending his love, he's still sending his support. So yeah, you know, like the, the animals like, they, they are so good at seeing the non-physical that for them it's just like, there's not the barrier, the way that there is for us. [00:43:38] Jessica Lindsey: So yeah, I mean, my rabbit, like all the time, she'll come and like, pull on my pant leg to be like, Hey, there's something over there. You need to take, you need to go check that out. And sometimes, sometimes it's a friend and sometimes there's some funky energy that I got to clear out of the space that they're like, and we don't want this in here. [00:43:55] Jessica Lindsey: Can you get rid of it? [00:43:58] Jessica Lindsey: So, [00:43:59] Charna Cassell: and what about, reincarnation? You know, I think about, cats and dogs and like the, I mean, and of course people hold different beliefs about the multiverse or different timelines or past lives or, you know, and I'm a believer in, in, in both past and multiverse. And in terms of, how animals reincarnate, do they reincarnate in the same way that humans do? [00:44:28] Charna Cassell: Like how, how does that work? And how do they, do they find you repeatedly? [00:44:32] Jessica Lindsey: Yeah, I'm actually going to, bring forward just the information from, from one of my rabbits. his name is Ari and he has communicated, with me about this, numerous times. So I'm just going to take a moment to just ask him if there's something that he wants to share about that. [00:44:51] Jessica Lindsey: Cause I feel like the, the direct information is, is the best with that. [00:45:05] Jessica Lindsey: Okay, so, so Ari, he shares, I have been in many bodies, many different kinds of bodies. [00:45:20] Jessica Lindsey: I have been human. [00:45:31] Jessica Lindsey: I have been a dog. [00:45:37] Jessica Lindsey: I have been an owl. I understand the relationship of being in the body of a hunter [00:45:49] Jessica Lindsey: and being in the body of the grazers and the hunted. [00:46:06] Jessica Lindsey: We have an idea of what we want to be and what we want to accomplish before we come into form. [00:46:18] Jessica Lindsey: We are drawn to specific circumstances [00:46:26] Jessica Lindsey: that will aid in our own development and the expansion of our own beings. [00:46:41] Jessica Lindsey: Some animals choose to stay in the same form for many lives. They like that form. They are familiar with that form. [00:46:55] Jessica Lindsey: Some choose to explore different forms. [00:47:06] Jessica Lindsey: There is not one way to be or experience being in a body. Each has its own unique [00:47:18] Jessica Lindsey: and powerful sets of skills and ways of evolving the soul. [00:47:29] Jessica Lindsey: And he also, uh, shares to transmit to everyone, one of the lifetimes that he had in being a human, he, was a monk. And so he holds this, this deep level of stillness and compassion to be able to sit in a still deep compassion with others. And he extends this to everyone who will be listening to this. [00:48:01] Jessica Lindsey: And he shares that we are all on journeys together. And so there are, souls that kind of pair up to kind of go through an experience together and to learn something together. [00:48:14] Charna Cassell: Beautiful. Thank you. so we're coming up to time and I would love if there was a practice, if you'd be willing to guide a practice for our listeners around how can they attune connect, listen more deeply to the animals. Or the plants could be either one in their life. [00:48:33] Jessica Lindsey: Absolutely. Okay, so for everyone who is listening, I invite you to just, you know, whatever you're doing, I know everyone might be listening in very different states, but if you can find the opportunity to, sit somewhere where you're still, now if you happen to be listening, listening to us while you're in the car, I would suggest waiting on this particular moment until you can pull over, but otherwise just allowing yourself, a moment to get somewhere where you can be still maybe seated. [00:49:10] Jessica Lindsey: And then you can have your eyes open or close. It's okay to do either. If you feel more comfortable with your eyes closed, I ask that you find a focal point in front of you where you can look at one spot. So, I'm going to ask you to sit in a very small spot in front of you where your eyes can be soft and relaxed. [00:49:27] Jessica Lindsey: And if you prefer to have your eyes closed, that's okay too. And once you're there, I want you to just take a moment to notice your face. And invite a softening into the muscles of your face. Invite a softening into the muscles around your eyes. And you're going to ask for your facial muscles and your eye muscles to be peaceful. [00:50:06] Jessica Lindsey: And just allowing yourself to notice what happens when you invite peacefulness into your face and your eyes. [00:50:20] Jessica Lindsey: And then bringing your awareness to your neck, your shoulders, your arms and your hands, inviting them to soften and asking for any muscles that might be a little bit tense or tight to become a little bit more peaceful [00:50:49] Jessica Lindsey: and noticing how that part of your body responds to the request of becoming peaceful. [00:51:02] Jessica Lindsey: Now bring your awareness to your torso, your chest, and your belly, your upper back, your mid back, and your low back, saying hello to your upper back, mid back, and low back, and inviting your back, your chest, and your belly to become a little bit more peaceful, [00:51:35] Jessica Lindsey: noticing how your body responds to the request for peaceful. [00:51:48] Jessica Lindsey: Now bring your awareness down to your pelvis. We're going to do a little walk around the pelvis in a clockwise direction. So noticing the front of your pelvis, saying hello to the front of your pelvis, and inviting the front of your pelvis to become peaceful. [00:52:16] Jessica Lindsey: Now noticing the right side of your pelvis, and inviting the right side of your pelvis to become peaceful. [00:52:31] Jessica Lindsey: Moving now to the back of your pelvis. Inviting the back of your pelvis to become peaceful [00:52:43] Jessica Lindsey: and the left side of your pelvis, inviting the left side of your pelvis to become peaceful. [00:52:55] Jessica Lindsey: Now notice the underneath of your pelvis, your pel floor, and invite the underneath of your pelvis to become peaceful. [00:53:10] Jessica Lindsey: Finally, notice your thighs, your knees, your calves. your ankles and your feet, and inviting them to become peaceful as well. [00:53:28] Jessica Lindsey: From this state, noticing your whole body, notice which parts do feel peaceful right now. Honoring if there are any areas in your own animal body that do not feel peaceful, and that's okay. But from this place of greater peacefulness within ourselves. We start to tune into our ability to connect with other beings. [00:54:02] Jessica Lindsey: So I invite you now to bring your awareness into the center of your chest, where your heart energy center lies. This is the center of telepathic receiving and giving of information. This is the place where you can open yourself to the sensations, the feelings, the thoughts. of another being. So for this moment, as you connect into your own chest center, imagine it opening. [00:54:45] Jessica Lindsey: Imagine yourself becoming more receptive to receiving. [00:54:53] Jessica Lindsey: And from this place, create a heartfelt intention that you can connect with an animal or plant friend that you love and appreciate. This could be an animal in your home. This could be an animal who has passed from its body and is there with you in spirit. It could be a giant tree that you love or a beautiful plotted plant on your desk. [00:55:29] Jessica Lindsey: But holding this intention that you can connect with this other being with honor, reverence, and love. And understanding that they are a fellow being with their own beautiful life purpose, beautiful desires and intentions, beautiful wants to express themselves and connect with you just as much as you want to connect with them. [00:56:07] Jessica Lindsey: They are already there. They have been waiting for you. They have been waiting for your heart to open to receive them. They are there, they are there, they are there. As you start to think about them, as you start to notice them, They will bring through information in a way that you can receive it. They will bring through the information in a way that you can receive it. This may be through a sense of touch, a smell, taste, a sound, a vision, a knowing, or an emotion. [00:57:12] Jessica Lindsey: Keep focusing on this plant or animal. Keep connecting your heart to theirs. [00:57:29] Jessica Lindsey: Give yourself this moment. I'm going to be quiet for just another moment to allow you to receive what is coming to you. Notice [00:58:12] Jessica Lindsey: how there is an unraveling happening in your being. The places where you once may have felt blocked are now opening. It is your birthright to connect with other beings this way. You have always had this ability. It has only been in the background, but now you are opening to receive it fully. It is yours to claim. [00:58:47] Jessica Lindsey: You do not need another to connect with those you love. That animal, that plant. You can have direct one to one connection between you and them. [00:59:17] Jessica Lindsey: If you are feeling that sense of connection with them, in whatever way it has come through to you, now ask them the question, How are we the same? [00:59:36] Jessica Lindsey: How are we the same? How are we the same? Hold this question in your heart and imagine it going from your heart directly to your animal friend or your plant friend. How are we the same? [01:00:27] Jessica Lindsey: I'm going to give you a few more moments to receive their answer. [01:00:57] Jessica Lindsey: Now in your heart center. I want you to bring in your own feeling of gratitude. [01:01:09] Jessica Lindsey: See if you can cultivate this gratitude growing deeper and bigger and more expansive in your heart space. This gratitude for this being that you have just connected with on a soul to soul level. Let it expand the front of your chest, the size of your chest. And the back of your chest past your spine, then imagine your whole being being held in this sense of gratitude. [01:01:51] Jessica Lindsey: And then share this gratitude, whether your animal is with you in the room, or they are a little bit away from you, or they are in spirit, or the plant is right with you, or it is a plant or a tree that you have known in the past. I want you to expand your feeling of gratitude until it can reach that being [01:02:33] Jessica Lindsey: with your inner voice and say thank you to them. [01:02:48] Jessica Lindsey: And now gently start to bring your awareness back into your own body, noticing your head, your face, your neck and your shoulders, noticing your arms, your chest, your upper back, your belly, your low back, your pelvis. Noticing your legs, your shins, your calves, ankles, and feet. Give your head a little wiggle, your shoulders a little wiggle. [01:03:30] Jessica Lindsey: Can move your arms if you have the space where you are to do that. [01:03:37] Jessica Lindsey: Letting yourself come fully back into the room. If your eyes were closed, you can open them. [01:03:48] Jessica Lindsey: Thank you so much for joining me. Thank you so much for connecting with your animal and plant friends. [01:03:59] Charna Cassell: I, uh, thank you so much. I have Toshi, my, the dearest being in my life, sitting next to me. Um, I have a, I have 7, 000 square feet of property and 6, 000 is the backyard and in the front of my house is this San Pedro cactus that was planted before I ever moved in I was gifted some of it and I had never used it as medicine until recently. And I had planted some and thought that it needed sun, but it actually needs shade. [01:04:46] Charna Cassell: But the interesting thing is that it's all on the periphery of my property. So it's the back fence and the side and then the front side of my property. And it was the being that connected with me. And that's so wonderful. And this plant, this cactus, is really associated with heart opening and love, and Toshi is just a love being, and so both of them, it was like when I was asking, how are we the same, they were both just expressing, like, We're, you're love. [01:05:27] Charna Cassell: You're just love. It's as simple as that, you know? So I just was like very aware of the fact that this whole space that I live in, and it's really what I want to offer my clients, my offices at home, is this, it is to remind them who they are and that they are love. So thank you for that really beautiful meditation. [01:05:48] Charna Cassell: I really felt that. [01:05:48] Jessica Lindsey: You're so welcome. And thank you for sharing. Thank you for being willing to share what you've experienced with them. Yeah. It's so wonderful. [01:06:00] Charna Cassell: I'm, I'm really, [01:06:02] Charna Cassell: I'm excited to get after this conversation to go out and check in with them. and is there, how can people find you? [01:06:13] Charna Cassell: How can people get in touch? Should they want to dive deeper into sessions with you or work with you in any way? [01:06:18] Jessica Lindsey: Yeah, well, my website is jessicalindsey. com, so it's my name, and there's two different ways to spell, spell Lin, Lindsey, so my, uh, last name is spelled L I N D S E Y, so jessicalindsey. [01:06:36] Jessica Lindsey: com, and, uh, I offer animal communication sessions, of course, I offer animal and spirit communication sessions. I offer intuitive healing sessions. So there's lots of ways to connect with me, whether you want to communicate with your animal, whether you want to develop your own intuitive abilities, and also if you just need support for something you're going through in your life, going through a particular transition in your life. [01:07:10] Jessica Lindsey: my skill set is really to be able to sit kind of in the depths of the fire of a transformation with people, really in those, those moments when, you know, things have, things have gotten difficult or challenging and they need someone to, hold them on a deep level. through an experience. [01:07:36] Jessica Lindsey: and, and also, I also work sort of as like a death doula for animals. So part of the work that's really powerful and meaningful that I do is to help animals and they're people when they are getting close to their, um, end of their life to be able to communicate the desires that the, the animals have around their end of life care, how they would like, or not like support related to leaving their bodies, um, what sort of ceremony they may, um, like to, experience. [01:08:15] Jessica Lindsey: and. That whole transition process. So all of, all of those things are good reasons to reach out if you need support in that way. Um, but also know that as, as much as I offer my services, just like in this meditation that we did today, you have your own connection that is valid and as equally as powerful. [01:08:40] Jessica Lindsey: as any connection that an animal communicator or any other, uh, intuitive or clairvoyant could bring through. So I just, I just want to make sure that, no one gives their power away. in seeking me out that you, all have the ability to connect with the plants and the animals. and they really, uh, they're kind of like chiming in to me right now just to make sure that they want you to know that they are there and they're ready and they want to, share with you and they want to experience with you on the deep levels that, you would like to experience, [01:09:20] Charna Cassell: Thank you, Jessica. [01:09:22] Jessica Lindsey: Yeah, you're welcome. Thank you so much for having me. And it was such a blessing to connect with you. I really appreciate all of your, insightful questions and, helping to guide this session and holding space to, so that I can bring through this information to everyone. [01:09:42] Jessica Lindsey: I really appreciate it. Thank you so much. [01:09:44] Charna Cassell: Thank you. [01:09:45] Charna Cassell: Thank you for joining us. If you appreciated this episode, My online course, Pathways to Peace, Mindful Practices for Transformative and Vibrant Living is open for ongoing enrollment. This means you can sign up at any time. It's a self paced course to make it manageable with your schedule. [01:10:02] Charna Cassell: And as for the coursework, you'll receive four weeks worth of daily videos where I teach you how to understand your nervous system and its reactions. How to think more clearly and gain perspective. How to transform the ways your body communicates through physical sensations. How to identify emotions, where they come from and what they're telling you. [01:10:21] Charna Cassell: How to discover why you react in ways that produce shame and learn tools to manage these reactions. How to reduce your anxiety and destructive impulses and how to diminish self hatred when you are not your best self. You can also sign up for weekly group coaching calls where you'll have direct contact with me and I'll answer any of your questions. [01:10:41] Charna Cassell: If you wanna learn more before then and hope you do, you can go to my course page courses dot charna cael, that's C-H-A-R-N-A-C-S-S-E-L for more. Information. [01:10:56] Charna Cassell: If you appreciated this episode, please like rate and review it and share it with your friends. If you'd like to stay connected, you can find me on Facebook and Instagram at laid open podcast. [01:11:07] Charna Cassell: As well as if you go to charnacasselle. com, you can join my newsletter where you can get information about upcoming courses I'll be offering, and I do free giveaways. Plus, you'll get discounts as well as resources that I share at passionatelife. org. You can get more information about my private practice and the kind of work that I do. [01:11:27] Charna Cassell: This has been Laid Open Podcast with your host Charna Cassell. We all have different capacities, but I believe in our capacity to grow and change together. [01:11:35] Charna Cassell: Until next time.

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© 2022 By Charna Cassell, LMFT. Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. MFC 51238.

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