Looking for some good reads? Scroll on down to find blog posts and articles written by Charna on other publications.


grief vs adjustment

Grief vs Adjustment

Grief vs adjustment, the most benevolent diagnostic code therapists can use for insurance paperwork is Adjustment Disorder. Also known as “situational depression,” an “adjustment disorder”

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Emotional Potty Training: Saying Yes to the Life-Changing Journey to Self-Expression

Exploring the vast spectrum of our emotions requires both courage and commitment. Recently, I engaged in a compelling conversation with Rachel Kaplan, host of the “Healing Feeling Shit Show” podcast. Rachel introduced an innovative concept called “Emotional Potty Training,” a process aimed at transforming our approach to handling emotions. Through this blog post, we will delve deeper into this approach, exploring how it can empower individuals to foster personal growth by enhancing emotional awareness and expression.

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redefining relationships

Redefining Relationships: The Complex Dance of Jealousy and Safety

Have you ever found yourself questioning the nature of jealousy, relationships, and the safety we often seek in our connections? I’m your host, Charna Cassell, and in today’s eye-opening episode, we dive headfirst into these very issues with Dr. Joli Hamilton. Dr. Hamilton is a relationship coach who specializes in guiding couples who explore non-traditional relationship structures, and she’s the founder of ‘The Year of Opening.’ If you’re curious about non-monogamy or tailoring your relationship dynamics to fit your unique desires outside of societal norms, this discussion is a must-read. She’s also an expert on the intricate nature of jealousy—its primal roots, its value, and even how it can be eroticized. Let’s unpack the layers of what Dr. Hamilton has to offer, shall we?

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© 2022 By Charna Cassell, LMFT. Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. MFC 51238.

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